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Between jobs: Not easy task

Looking for a new job is a demanding, full time job

How many times had you been sitting on a waiting room trying to make your best impression in order to get your dream job? how many resumes had you submit and not a single reply had come through? how many times you've been involved in a process just to end up heartbroken?

Looking for a job is not an easy task, because no matter if you are young and unexperienced, no matter if you are elder and plenty of experience, there is always a fierce competition for every job, this reminds me of a Peter Gabriel song " ...for every job, so many men...", Nowadays the market is a little crowded, eventhough as of December 2017, Mexico unemployment rate is barely 3.13%; that figure doesn't feel right, you may wonder why, well it's because 57% of the workforce is "employed" within informal economy; this article does not pretend to make a critique over national policies; that should come on a different one, I may write later, but I'm no economist neither politics critic, although I do have my point of view. Nevertheless, if you intend to get a good job by your own standarts, you have to really dedicate yourself, start your own brand and strengten your position within the market; but how to do it?

I stated this is a full time job, well, I'm conviced on that, so first of all you should avoid the easy solutions, there are lots of jobsites, and you may want to suscribe, I read this article from Expansion magazine regarding the issue (it's a little outdated), therefore you should not only go for the offers you find appealing, but build a strong resume, what's the secret of a good resume, well as the expression says, there is a thousand ways to peel a cat, a very good friend of mine who is on the recruitment business told me once: "we look for something specific on the resume, if we don't find it , we discard it", so be prepared to have a few different resumes that applies better for the specific position you are applying for. Be precise and remark your achievements, you have to have a fiendly resume, but also an impactful one.

I am thorned with cover letters, some recruiters say it's not needed anymore, however others may say they are appreciated by the companies recruiting personnel, however, if you are building a cover letter, do not create a generic one to be shared with every company, you have to adapt it to each position you apply for.

When you attend to an interview, be prepared, do your homework, look into the company before you even show up for the interview, whenever possible, look for their core values, vision, financial information, gather as much info as possible so you know who you are talking to; build your brand, you are the best product you are selling, start from the premise you are the right person for the job. Last but not least, prepare yourself, study, take specialization courses, get a degree, certifications, build your resume and improve every single day. Does this guarrantee you'll succed? definitely not, but never stop trying, because at the end of the day, it's better to be safe than sorry.

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